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Showing posts from April, 2019


今年以來專訪好多!四月在巡迴演唱會之外,還有夜櫻演歌祭、睽違兩年的沖繩公演、籌備新專輯,銀河頻道預計連續四個月播出相關節目以慶祝出道二十週年。 |週刊女性,平成人物傳連載第八集

【橫濱】港未來21、大岡川的日與夜-橫濱一日遊絕對不夠(二)Day and night of Minato Mirai 21, Ookagawa River in the cherry blossom season- An one-day tour in Yokohama is definitely too short (2)

從羽田機場到橫濱和到東京市區距離一樣,櫻花盛開的時間也相同,一樣美,人潮卻比東京少多了。 The distance to Yokohama and Tokyo downtown from Haneda Airport is nearly the same. So are the cherry blossom season and beautifulness. But much less crowded.

【橫濱】三溪園-橫濱一日遊絕對不夠(一)Sankeien Garden - An one-day tour in Yokohama is definitely too short (1)

我對日式庭園向來不太有興趣,賞櫻和紅葉的季節例外。 I am not quite interested in Japanese gardens, except the seasons of cherry blossoms and maple leaves.