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【橫濱】港未來21、大岡川的日與夜-橫濱一日遊絕對不夠(二)Day and night of Minato Mirai 21, Ookagawa River in the cherry blossom season- An one-day tour in Yokohama is definitely too short (2)


The distance to Yokohama and Tokyo downtown from Haneda Airport is nearly the same. So are the cherry blossom season and beautifulness. But much less crowded.

|大岡川 Ookagawa River


To Ookagawa (River) for illuminated cherry blossoms in the first evening of my trip.


Thankful that most Ramen restaurants in Japan open nearly all night. Always thirsted for a bowl of ramen after shots in a cold day.


The same place with daylights; I prefer to the evening.

|JR櫻木町駅附近 JR Sakuragicho Station nearby

不想走遠的話,光是JR桜木町往World Porters、紅磚倉庫的路上,也就是港未來21,也是兩排滿滿的。

On the way to World Porters and Red Brick Warehouse, in front of JR Sakuragicho Station, or so-called Minato Mirai 21, are full of cherry trees as well, if you want somewhere nearby.


A lot of moms and their kids during weekdays, which implied the low female employment rate in Japan.


All flowers other than cherry blossoms bloomed beautifully as well.


Walk toward the sea and you’ll see Red Brick Warehouse; where is used for restaurants and souvenir shops now.

|橫濱夜景不能少了摩天輪 You won’t skip the Ferris wheel for the night view in Yokohama


The beautiful Ferris wheel is always there wherever you are in the evening. Though it was cold and  windy beside the seashore. Even I felt it was colder than Scotland in the early April.


You would hardly notice the cherry blossom at first.


Taken in Yamashita Park. The Ferris wheel did exist!


Then I found the best place to shot the Ferris wheel was in the guest room of Sakuragicho Washington Hotel, where I stayed in Yokohama.


Wasn’t it? I hope I can introduce you the hotel very soon.

|路癡到達法 Get there as a no-brainer


Get off the train in Sakuragicho Station of Keihin Touhoku Line and leave from the south exit and follow the direction, or ask the tourists’ information; if you come from Tokyo, it is the next station of Yokohama. All spot in this article can be achieved by walk.

|參考連結 Reference


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