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Showing posts from October, 2021


冰川清志繼續代言X-Mobile並拍攝新廣告,參與擔綱主題曲的電影「老後の資金がありません!」宣傳,還有好些媒體專訪。 |X-Mobile,兩個造型的新廣告 X-Mobile是日本廉價電信業者之一,但和台灣的亞太電信、台灣之星不一樣,它沒有自己的網路,用NTT的,所以比較像LINE Mobile。這次主打的方案是,最低月付2,980日圓,四合一手機免費帶回家,月享20G上網流量、前五分鐘通話免費(不限次數)。

【台北】海峽會安東廳,沒誠意賣素食不如別賣Salle d’Antoine in CS Club in Taipei, couldn’t be more awful

身為一個社會人,口袋裡隨時有幾家居住城市裡,喜歡的餐廳名單,我覺得是必要的;趁著疫情稍好些打算更新名單。而且,我最近減少食肉,也想累積素食餐廳名單,總不能老是養心茶樓嘛。另一方面,比起素食專賣,我想認識更多葷素都賣,但素食做得好的餐廳,便於請客的時候更有彈性。於是訂了海峽會安東法式料理的位子,也是我第一次到他們的餐廳。 As an adault, I think it's a must to have some good local restaurant names in your pocket, and I'm going to update my pocket list with COVID improvement. Besides, I want to accumulate more vegetarian restaurants as well after my animal-based food reduction. But compared to a vegetarian restaurant, I prefer to finding more restaurants offering both plant-based and animal-based dishes. It's more flexible when you want to treat somebody else. So I booked a seat in Salle d'Antoine, and this is my first time visiting a restaurant in C.S. Club.

【台北】西華飯店Toscana,三千元能得到什麼樣的義式素食?(已歇業)Toscana in Sherwood Taipei. What kind of Italian vegetarian food would you get within NT$3,000? (Permanently closed)

西華飯店一樓的義大利餐廳Toscana,長年以來一直占據我的台北市西餐信賴名單。信賴的意思是,禁不起出錯的場合,來這裡不論菜色、場地、服務總是能夠一整個放心。 Toscana, an Italian restaurant located on the 1st floor of Sherwood Taipei, is always on my reliable list. Reliable means, nothing needs to be worried here when you are not allowed to make any mistakes.