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Showing posts from May, 2017

【Dallas, TX】Ellen’s Southern Kitchen & Y.O. Ranch Steakhouse,達拉斯輕軌West End Station附近的人氣餐廳Popular restaurants near West End Station

市區的輕軌車站West End Station不但有四條線交會(包括DFW機場的橘線),附近有許多名景點,步行就到,但, 一日遊 從一份大早餐開始吧! In downtown Dallas, four DART lines across in West End Station, including the orange line to/from DFW airport. In addition, you can find many hot spots within walking distance here. But start your one day tour from a big breakfast!

【Dallas, TX】達拉斯市區輕鬆簡單一日遊

達拉斯有輕軌,是美國少數不開車也方便的城市。 從Fort Worth機場(DFW)就有輕軌能進市區,這也是全美國少數有電車連結市區的機場唷。領完行李 別 搭電梯下一樓,直接找到Terminal Link的告示牌出去,

【紐約】Eataly NYC Flatiron,好逛好吃的高檔義大利食材舖

在住處附近亂逛,碰到這家很有意思的高檔超市Eataly,全美國只有紐約、波士頓和芝加哥有唷(L.A.也快有了)。 Bumped into the lovely and character supermarket, Eataly, only available in New York, Boston and Chicago(coming soon in L. A. as well).

【Plano, TX】Don't miss Steve Field's Steak & Lobster Lounge when you visit Plano! (已歇業closed)

有事在Dallas近郊的Plano待了兩天,意外發現這家好吃的牛排館! Stayed in Plano, suburb of Dallas, for 2 days, and unexpectedly found the wonderful steakhouse!

【紐約】Gramercy Tavern,創意令人印象深刻its innovation impressed me!

在曼哈頓這個寸土寸金,一餐不小心就吃掉幾十美金的高「貴」地段,fine dining反而顯得C/P值高;本人出門在外常有意想不到的幸運,週末晚餐訂到這間好餐廳,而且前一天才打的電話唷。 Fine dining seems to be relatively worthy (or higher cost performance) as it’s very easy to eat dozens bucks in Manhattan. I was lucky to have a table here for dinner on weekend, and I just booked one day before!