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【Plano, TX】Don't miss Steve Field's Steak & Lobster Lounge when you visit Plano! (已歇業closed)


Stayed in Plano, suburb of Dallas, for 2 days, and unexpectedly found the wonderful steakhouse!


An interesting and meaningful phrase.

我很久不喝碳酸飲料了,但來到德州自然要喝Dr Pepper;尤其這裡還是Plano,餐廳離Dr Pepper總部不過十分鐘車程。

I haven't drunken CSD for a long time. But Dr Pepper seems to be a must in Texas, particularly in Plano, only 10 minute drive to Dr Pepper's headquarter from here.


It sells steak as well as seafood. Only ordered a crab claw to taste.


Lobster Bisque.  You would be full with bread if you eat like a bird.

本來想點乾式熟成牛排(服務生說他也很愛),但14oz起跳我一定吃不完,幾經掙扎選了10oz爐烤Prime rib,配著肉汁真好吃!

Though I wanted to order the dry aged steak (the waiter said he loved it as well), I was afraid that I couldn’t finish the 14oz+ big guy. As a result, I chose 10oz roasted prime rib , tasting great with gravy!


Tender medium rare with a huge potato.



How to get there: I stayed nearby and walked here; easy to find its large sign. Drive or call a Uber as it seems public transportation is not available.

+1 972 596 7100

5013 West Park Blvd Plano, TX 75093


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