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【Dallas, TX】Ellen’s Southern Kitchen & Y.O. Ranch Steakhouse,達拉斯輕軌West End Station附近的人氣餐廳Popular restaurants near West End Station

市區的輕軌車站West End Station不但有四條線交會(包括DFW機場的橘線),附近有許多名景點,步行就到,但,一日遊從一份大早餐開始吧!

In downtown Dallas, four DART lines across in West End Station, including the orange line to/from DFW airport. In addition, you can find many hot spots within walking distance here. But start your one day tour from a big breakfast!

這家Ellen’s Southern Kitchen離車站走路五分鐘,我搭早班機到,幸好它早上七點就開始營業了。

Ellen’s Southern Kitchen only takes you 5 min walk from West End Station. I arrived by an early flight, and thankfully, it opens at 7 in the morning.


Though few customers inside when I stepped into, a lot of people stood in line when I left.

點了一份mushroom garlic toast,多穀物吐司,洋菇,培根,山羊乳酪和蛋,看起來很平常的菜單吧

I ordered a mushroom garlic  toast, multigrain toast, mushrooms, bacon, goat cheese and eggs; the description looks ordinary, doesn’t it?


But just big in Texas…


If you cannot feel how big it was from the picture above, see below. I was filled with mushrooms but it seemed that I didn’t touch any of them.


Choose a la carte if you don’t feel like eating that much.

路癡到達法: West End Station下車後找到下圖這家corner bakery cafe,從它前面的路往直走,會看到Friday’s左轉即是,車站走過來三分鐘吧

Get there as a no-brainer: Find corner bakery cafe (picture below) after getting off the train, walk straight and turn left in front of Friday’s. About 3 min walk from West End Station.

+1 (469) 206 3339

1790 N Record St Dallas, TX 75202

往早餐店的路上還有這家牛排店Y.O. Ranch Steakhouse,離車站更近了,走路一分鐘吧

Y.O. Ranch Steakhouse is one the way to Ellen’s, and it’s nearer from West End Station; about 1 min walk.

好我知道在這種地方點San Pellegrino是怪咖…

All right I know it was weird to drink San Pellegrino here…

點了Filet Mignon午間套餐,含沙拉和烤蔬菜、薯泥等side dishes

Filet mignon lunch set, salad and side dishes of grilled vegetables and mashed potato included.

其實我不愛吃Filet Mignon,但大早餐還在肚裡沒消化完,只有它最小所以點了。

Actually I don’t like filet mignon. Nevertheless, most of the“big breakfast”were still in my stomach, and filet mignon was offered the smallest size, so…


Medium rare without red liquid. Rarely do I eat steak in Taiwan recently. But Texas beef tastes really good! Wonderful texture, smell, and of course, freshness.

+1 (214) 744 3287

702 Ross Ave, Dallas, TX 75202


Recommend the two to whom doesn’t want to spend much time finding the way to dining places in Dallas!


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