帝國飯店的鐵板燒「嘉門」我已垂涎多年,時間上卻老是不湊巧,甚至 兩年前在此投宿 時都錯過了,今年總算一償宿願。 I’ve longed for Kamon Teppanyaki (Open grill specialties) for years when visiting Osaka. But I always missed it, including my stay in the hotel two years ago . Finally I got it this time.
房間和館內設施有馬溫泉散步請看上一篇: 有馬溫泉 高山莊華野(上)-房間及館內設施 。晚餐在館內餐廳「四季亭」,有包廂最棒了,可以盡情拍照不怕影響別的客人。 Please refer to the last story: Takayamaso Hanano, Arima Onsen I- Facilities for the guest room, facilities and Arima Onsen nearby if you have not read it. Having dinner in a private room; where I didn’t have to care the noise of shutter and took as many pictures as I wanted.
位於日本三大名湯之一的有馬溫泉,不用說旅館林立;高山莊華野,讓我秒決定「就是你了」的關鍵,訂房網站上餐食近滿分的評價還是其次,重點它 謝絕12歲以下兒童 !這不但代表不用怕被吵鬧的沒教養屁孩壞了遊興,更暗示老闆重視品質的程度,不是死要錢。 Kakayamaso Hanano, loctated in Arima Onsen (hot spring), one of the top 3 onsen in Japan, plenty of resorts, why made me choose it immediately? “ 13 years old & above guests only ” rather than nearly 5/5 reviews. That means not only I don’t have to worry about noisy damning kids, but also the boss cares the quality a lot.