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【烘焙】烤布丁+費南雪,又是完整用掉雞蛋的組合Pudding+financier, perfectly use up the entire egg


Making pudding with black sugar flashed through into my mind when getting hotter, and I tried. I happily find it tastes good as black sugar is able to cover the egg smell. In addition, you can easily prepare all ingredients.

全脂牛奶300ml、全蛋一顆、蛋黃兩顆、黑糖45g。用Le Creuset小愛心烤盅剛好做四個。

For four Le Creuset petit stoneware, you need 300ml whole fat milk, one whole egg, two egg yolks, 45g black sugar powder.


Heat the milk to 30 degrees, and the sugar can dissolve easily. Preheat your oven to 150 degrees, mix all ingredients well and pour the mixture into the containers, add warm water to the pan and bake for 35 minutes.


By the way, I always skip filtering the liquid.


Replace black sugar to caster sugar to get the original flavour. I also tried to add 1 ts of cacao powdre for chocolate pudding, but it didn’t taste as good as original and black sugar flavours did.


Tried to back with 160 degrees (as above); apparently too high. 


I made financier as well in order not to left egg white. Besides, I bought brick shaped mold. 


Make hazelnut butter by 90g butter, cool down and mix with 4 egg white, 100g almond powdre, 40g backing flour, 96g caster sugar. Preheat oven to 220 degrees and bake for 12~12.5 minutes. Simple and quick.


I got the beautiful mold in Asai Shouten, Kappabashi Tokyo. Expensive but no preparation is needed. Worthy.


If you make not only pudding but macaron, financier must be perfect to use up leftovers (laugh).


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