晚餐及早餐都在餐廳「すず奈」用。這家餐點水準是我住過的溫泉旅館中數一數二的(但價格不是)。 The in-house restaurant “Suzuna”serves dinner and breakfast to resort guests. The food quality is top one or two of all hot spring resorts in Japan I’ve stayed. But the price isn’t.
草菴讓我想起去年投宿過的 彩の庄 ,同樣建物融入自然風庭園佈置,房間大,食物好吃得不得了,只是草菴是高級版的。 Souan reminded my memory in Ayanosyou , located in Aso, Kumamoto last year. Natural gardening, a huge room, wonderful meals. Though Souan was a premium class.
因為搭早班機(長榮BR 178,清晨六點半起飛),午餐時間已經在京都了! Thanks to the early fight (BR178, taking off from Taipei at 6:30), the same day I was able to have lunch in Kyoto.