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Showing posts from September, 2017

【大阪】帝國飯店大阪,不想住鬧區的選擇Imperial Hotel Osaka

這家什麼都好,除了地點! Everything was great here except location!

【松江】玉造溫泉 界 出雲Kai Izumo by Hoshino Resorts(下)-晚餐及早餐dinner and breakfast

界 出雲的餐食固然精緻可口,對照它的收費,這樣的表現剛好而已。 The meals were gorgeous and tasty. But just matched its prices.

【松江】玉造溫泉 界 出雲Kai Izumo by Hoshino Resorts(上)-館內及房間facilities and room

這家硬體設備很棒,但工作人員比硬體更讓人想稱讚! The facilities are great; but staffs are even better!

【出雲】湯の川温泉 日本三美人の湯 湯宿 草菴(草庵)yuyado souan(下)- 晚餐及早餐Dinner and breakfast

晚餐及早餐都在餐廳「すず奈」用。這家餐點水準是我住過的溫泉旅館中數一數二的(但價格不是)。 The in-house restaurant “Suzuna”serves dinner and breakfast to resort guests. The food quality is top one or two of all hot spring resorts in Japan I’ve stayed. But the price isn’t.

【出雲】湯の川温泉 日本三美人の湯 湯宿 草菴(草庵)yuyado souan(上)-館內及房間Facilities and room

草菴讓我想起去年投宿過的 彩の庄 ,同樣建物融入自然風庭園佈置,房間大,食物好吃得不得了,只是草菴是高級版的。 Souan reminded my memory in Ayanosyou , located in Aso, Kumamoto last year. Natural gardening, a huge room, wonderful meals. Though Souan was a premium class.

【冰川清志】Birthday Dinner Show in 大阪新大谷酒店氷川きよしバースデーディナーショ2017 in ホテルニューオータニ大阪

好好好我知道這有點過份,從 出雲 到大阪,連兩場演唱會的三天後,我看了冰川清志的餐廳秀! 會場是大阪新大谷酒店,河的另一側是大阪城,搭JR大阪環狀線到大阪城公園,走路不用五分鐘。


吃飽喝足離開 圓堂 後,靠著Google,我越過鴨川,走到四条河原的常久刄物店。 想買一支新菜刀很久了,上午我去了錦市場,當然不會放過裡面的刀具名店有次。但當天來客實在太多,每位店員手上似乎都有好幾位客人在等,我自己隨便看看看不出名堂就默默走出來。

【京都】天ぷら八坂圓堂,高級天麩羅彰顯食材原味Tempura Endo Yasaka in Gion Kyoto, premium tempura to present the original flavor of ingredients

因為搭早班機(長榮BR 178,清晨六點半起飛),午餐時間已經在京都了! Thanks to the early fight (BR178, taking off from Taipei at 6:30), the same day I was able to have lunch in Kyoto.

【冰川清志】生日演唱會 in 出雲

沒錯,我又跑到日本和冰川清志一起過生日。 去年是 廣島 ,今年是出雲,好消息是明年絕對不會在這了,超遠的!