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【輕井澤】Hotel Rosso Karuizawa、雲場池Kumoba Pond-二訪輕井澤之沒計畫完全碰運氣遊(上)



So lucky that I could take such red and yellow colored Kumoba Pond in mid-October.



事實上我人到日本了才確定最後一晚的住宿,出發前一週才「臨時起意」再訪輕井澤,前三天才訂下今年八月開幕的Hotel Rosso Karuizawa。

Two days before my trip started, Aka, one of my colleagues, asked: Cora, I guess, you didn’t finish your room reservation “as usual”, did you?

I: No.

Actually I booked my last stay when arriving Japan, and I decided to visit Karuizawa again one week before my departure date. Then I booked Hotel Rosso Karuizawa, just opened in August this year, three days before.


Hardly did I find its review probably because it was newly opened. Thanked for that and I could stay nearby JR station with a reasonable price.


Nearly missed it if I didn’t watch its picture in advance. I always thought such cement walls looked like they were not completed.

Hotel Rosso Karuizawa


I booked a twin-bed room because all single rooms were sold out. Fortunately the price was just a little bit higher.

Hotel Rosso Karuizawa

Hotel Rosso Karuizawa

商務館旅較少見的DHC Amenity。

Hotel Rosso Karuizawa

提供handy,房客專用上網+050 IP電話吃到飽,連住兩天帶著出門,至少省下一整天網路漫遊費。

Handy available, a smart phone capable for unlimited data and 050 IP phone, free to room guests. Bring it out and helps to save your own roaming charge.

Hotel Rosso Karuizawa


All equipment were new, certainly. The only disadvantage was lack of a main light. It was too dark if you wanted to use a PC or watch TV, since there were only small desk and bed lights.

Hotel Rosso Karuizawa


LED charger available beside the headboard, matching people’s needs nowadays. A new hotel indeed!

Hotel Rosso Karuizawa


They serves free breakfast, as an ordinary business hotel does. Drinks are always there; take it whenever you want.

Hotel Rosso Karuizawa

Hotel Rosso Karuizawa

Hotel Rosso Karuizawa


Coin laundries available. Don’t need to prepare your own detergent since the machine will add it automatically.

Hotel Rosso Karuizawa


Get there as a no-brainer: The official site said 5-minute “walk” from JR Karuizawa Station; actually it’s more like a 5-minute “run”. About 10 with luggage, from my experience. Walk straight from North Exit JR Karuizawa Station, the same direction to Kyu Karuizawa. Then you’ll see a Shell gas station, walk across the road and turn left,

Shell Karuizawa


Walk straight until you see Lawson,

Lawson Karuizawa


the hotel, looking like under construction, is behind it.

Lawson Karuizawa

+81 267 41 1222

〒389-0104 長野県北佐久郡軽井沢町軽井沢東154-2

Hotel Rosso位於輕井沢駅往雲場池的路上,應該是它位置的最大優勢,我一共來了三次,包括一次從舊輕井澤、聖保羅教堂回來,從雲場池尾走到頭。只要帶著handy,跟著Google導航走就OK了,山裡收訊都很好。

Location, the best advantage of the hotel, is on the way to Kumoba Pond from Karuizawa Station. I visited three times including once walking from Kyu Karuizawa. I took out my handy and followed Google Map. Signals were always good even in the mountain.







After all, mid-October was too early, and most leaves were green. Also passing by various private villas as well. Prices of those villas were not expensive after tumbling a lot. But I think visiting here occasionally and staying in an hotel for several days is better for me. It must be bored if long-stay here. However, walking in the villa area really feel like in a “foreign” country.





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