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【東京】雷姆東京京橋飯店,早餐竟然有鹹豆漿,每房附按摩椅太狂!remm Tokyo Kyobashi, delicate breakfast and a massage chair in each room!


I always believe that a new-opened hotel offers you better staying experience. Firstly, you have the latest facilities. Secondly, the hotel needs to accumulate positive reviews, so must take care you as possible as they can. But it was so amazing that I stayed in a hotel on the first day of open!

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

|公共空間 Public area

Lobby在七樓 ,接待櫃台對面是館內唯一的餐廳ARCH,從早餐營業到深夜。

The lobby is located on the 7th floor. ARCH, the only restaurant in the hotel, is across from the reception desk.

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

|房內 Inside my double room


No one will ignore the massage chair when entering the room! Each hotel really tried their best to attract guests.

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi


Badly need it after a lot of walk in daytime. Whenever and how long you want.

remm Tokyo Kyobashi


Facilities with the latest functions everywhere; I’ve never seen an air conditioner controller with multi-language before.

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi


A USB charger is must to meet most people’s bad habits.

remm Tokyo Kyobashi


Mis-understood that a handy was upgraded to a tablet at first glance.

remm Tokyo Kyobashi


Actually it was nothing more than a digital version of hotel service instruction, a thick book you would always find in a hotel room. In addition, you could not take it out.

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi


remm Tokyo Kyobashi


Move the table aside and you can open a large suitcase without occupying the aisle. You cannot do that in a single room, certainly; but a massage chair is available as well.

remm Tokyo Kyobashi



Muji-style dining room; there is a socket in front of each seat!

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi


Vege-based hot and cold delis; delicate and served quickly. (The main table picture is from the official website)

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi


Various vegetables made me able to eat more even I usually skipped my breakfast, and surprised to find salty soy bean milk! I didn’t think this was for Taiwanese guests but Japanese who were the fans of Taiwan, because salty soy bean milk was one of the must-eat when many foreign tourists visiting Taiwan. In addition, I am happy to see that more Japanese people love Taiwan, signaled by booming bubble milk tea shops.

remm Tokyo Kyobashi


Seriously that they prepared everything you should have for salty soy bean milk.

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

remm Tokyo Kyobashi

|週邊 What to do/eat/shop nearby


Kyobashi is beside Ginza, a gorgeous district filled with boutique shops, department stores and fine dining. So you won’t find an economical shops such as all-100-yen, Don Quijote or ordinary supermarket (but there is a supermarket downstairs a department store).



新開幕的無印良品旗艦店也在這一帶,除了大家熟悉的各種商品及明明就是自助餐的muji cafe,還有便當、現打果汁、麵包。空間是挑高的,商品陳列從下到上放滿整面牆,很壯觀,但品項並不齊,因為我本來打算買的幾樣小東西都沒有找到。

New-opened Muji flagship ship is located here, too. Besides their ordinary products and muji cafe, the cafeteria, lunch boxes, juice bar, bakery are also available. The ceiling is very high and the presentation is amazing. Though the flagship shop doesn’t offer every product as I didn’t get something I wanted.


|路癡到達法Get there as a no-brainer:

地下鐵銀座線京橋駅六號出口即是,交通方便得沒話說。但六號出口沒電梯,帶著大行李的朋友,出站後沿著Kyobashi Edogrand的指標,搭電梯到一樓,

The hotel is greatly located at the 6th exit of Kyobashi Station (Ginza Line, Tokyo Metro). But there are only stairs at the 6th exit. If you bring a large suitcase with you, follow the direction of Kyobashi Edogrand, and take the elevator to the 1st floor,


turn right after getting off the elevator,


then turn right again, and you will find the hotel across the road.

remm Tokyo Kyobashi


I recommend you to take Keikyu Line and get off at Takaracho Station if you come from Haneda Airport because it is a direct line. You need to transfer at Nihonbashi Station travelling from Haneda Airport to Kyobashi, and I think it’s less convenient.


After leaving Takaracho Station, walk through the lane between audi and Family Mart for 3 minutes, and you’ll see the hotel on the left.

Have a great stay!

+86 3-6843-0606

〒104-0031 東京都中央区京橋二丁目6番21号

|參考連結 Reference


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