11月冰川清志最新單曲「大丈夫/最上の船頭」發 G 、 H 、 I 版,上了好些電視節目,官方Instagram帳號開張,入圍第61屆日本唱片大賞,還有,雖然一點都不意外,連續第二十回紅白出場還是要恭喜一下的。 |十一月19日,最新單曲「大丈夫/最上の船頭」新版發售 |池袋Sunshine City宣傳活動|
帝國飯店的鐵板燒「嘉門」我已垂涎多年,時間上卻老是不湊巧,甚至 兩年前在此投宿 時都錯過了,今年總算一償宿願。 I’ve longed for Kamon Teppanyaki (Open grill specialties) for years when visiting Osaka. But I always missed it, including my stay in the hotel two years ago . Finally I got it this time.
房間和館內設施有馬溫泉散步請看上一篇: 有馬溫泉 高山莊華野(上)-房間及館內設施 。晚餐在館內餐廳「四季亭」,有包廂最棒了,可以盡情拍照不怕影響別的客人。 Please refer to the last story: Takayamaso Hanano, Arima Onsen I- Facilities for the guest room, facilities and Arima Onsen nearby if you have not read it. Having dinner in a private room; where I didn’t have to care the noise of shutter and took as many pictures as I wanted.
位於日本三大名湯之一的有馬溫泉,不用說旅館林立;高山莊華野,讓我秒決定「就是你了」的關鍵,訂房網站上餐食近滿分的評價還是其次,重點它 謝絕12歲以下兒童 !這不但代表不用怕被吵鬧的沒教養屁孩壞了遊興,更暗示老闆重視品質的程度,不是死要錢。 Kakayamaso Hanano, loctated in Arima Onsen (hot spring), one of the top 3 onsen in Japan, plenty of resorts, why made me choose it immediately? “ 13 years old & above guests only ” rather than nearly 5/5 reviews. That means not only I don’t have to worry about noisy damning kids, but also the boss cares the quality a lot.
第一次搭全日空國際線,不愧是服務五星級的航空公司;然後我有一個朋友的妹妹想考空服員,我回來就跟她說別報全日空,一定很硬… This was my first time flying with ANA international flights, and totally agreed its 5-star rating. Then after coming back, I told one of my friends’ sister who wanted to be a CA “Don’t apply ANA; must be a very tough work…”
一向相信投宿新旅館能得到較佳體驗。一來享受最新硬體,二來旅館還在需要累積好評的階段,對客人自然照顧有加。但這次真的太極端,remm東京京橋,開幕第一天我就上門! I always believe that a new-opened hotel offers you better staying experience. Firstly, you have the latest facilities. Secondly, the hotel needs to accumulate positive reviews, so must take care you as possible as they can. But it was so amazing that I stayed in a hotel on the first day of open!
從羽田機場到橫濱和到東京市區距離一樣,櫻花盛開的時間也相同,一樣美,人潮卻比東京少多了。 The distance to Yokohama and Tokyo downtown from Haneda Airport is nearly the same. So are the cherry blossom season and beautifulness. But much less crowded.
這次一反常態,要從旅館的餐食先介紹起,因為太優秀,更別說無敵(琵琶)湖景近在眼前。 Different from the past, I want to introduce the meal first because it was that fabulous and great (Biwa) lake view was just in front of you.