使用 縁結びパーフェクトチケット(Perfect Ticket) 遊松江及出雲,住在松江火車站附近是最省事的;此行三天我都住松江Excel Hotel東急,地點好房間也舒適,推薦。 Staying in a hotel nearby JR Matsue Station is the easiest way travelling with Perfect Ticket . I stayed in Matsue Excel Hotel Tokyu for 3 days, which was comfortable and well-located.
地處偏遠的島根縣把「縁結び」當做最大觀光賣點,想找Mr./Ms. Right的男女都來島根縣走一圈就對了!除了 出雲大社 ,松江市境內有八重垣神社,和市郊玉造溫泉的玉作湯神社。 If you are seeking your Mr./Ms. right, Shimane is perfectly for you. Besides Izumo Taisha , both Yaekagi Shrine and Tamatsukuri Shrine in Matsue City, Shimane are famous for matchmaking marriage.
境港和由志園在同一條公車線上,所以最好安排在一起。 Arrange your trip to Sakaiminato City and Yuushien on the same day as they are located on the same bus route from Matsue City.
離開 松江貓頭鷹花園 ,跳上往出雲的列車。出雲大社一定是大家遊島根不會錯過的。半年前我看到 冰川清志生日演唱會 在出雲,第一個動作是打開Google Map看出雲在日本的哪裡,那時我只知道出雲有個出雲大社,其餘一無所知。 I took a train to Izumo Taisha after leaving Matsue Vogel Park . Izumo Taisha was my only image to Izumo before planning the trip.
如果你要在松江和出雲玩兩三天,強烈推薦這張票一定要買,不但省錢,更省下每趟上下車都要掏錢買票的麻煩。 The ticket is a must-have if you’ll stay in Matsue and Izumo for two or three days, which saves your money and time.
晚餐及早餐都在餐廳「すず奈」用。這家餐點水準是我住過的溫泉旅館中數一數二的(但價格不是)。 The in-house restaurant “Suzuna”serves dinner and breakfast to resort guests. The food quality is top one or two of all hot spring resorts in Japan I’ve stayed. But the price isn’t.
草菴讓我想起去年投宿過的 彩の庄 ,同樣建物融入自然風庭園佈置,房間大,食物好吃得不得了,只是草菴是高級版的。 Souan reminded my memory in Ayanosyou , located in Aso, Kumamoto last year. Natural gardening, a huge room, wonderful meals. Though Souan was a premium class.
因為搭早班機(長榮BR 178,清晨六點半起飛),午餐時間已經在京都了! Thanks to the early fight (BR178, taking off from Taipei at 6:30), the same day I was able to have lunch in Kyoto.
這兩張是我的東急和帝國飯店會員卡,都不需申請費,只有好多優惠。 以往我要是要訂日本的旅館,想都不用想一定是 jalan ,它是日本最大的訂房網站,不但可以累積點數抵下次房價,還可同時累積ANA哩程數。後來為了多累積ANA哩程,有時我也會直接在ANA訂房,但ANA配合的旅館還是比jalan少太多,所以大部分是在jalan訂。
先講結論,這家旅館有點兩光但不到糟糕,地點超級好,如果剛好遇到便宜的價格(房價波動從每晚一百多到四百多美金)我還是會回來住的。 Conclusion first. The hotel is somehow a joke but not awful, and the location is wonderful. I’ll return if I can get a good deal. (Room rates $1xx~4xx per night)
市區的輕軌車站West End Station不但有四條線交會(包括DFW機場的橘線),附近有許多名景點,步行就到,但, 一日遊 從一份大早餐開始吧! In downtown Dallas, four DART lines across in West End Station, including the orange line to/from DFW airport. In addition, you can find many hot spots within walking distance here. But start your one day tour from a big breakfast!
在住處附近亂逛,碰到這家很有意思的高檔超市Eataly,全美國只有紐約、波士頓和芝加哥有唷(L.A.也快有了)。 Bumped into the lovely and character supermarket, Eataly, only available in New York, Boston and Chicago(coming soon in L. A. as well).
在曼哈頓這個寸土寸金,一餐不小心就吃掉幾十美金的高「貴」地段,fine dining反而顯得C/P值高;本人出門在外常有意想不到的幸運,週末晚餐訂到這間好餐廳,而且前一天才打的電話唷。 Fine dining seems to be relatively worthy (or higher cost performance) as it’s very easy to eat dozens bucks in Manhattan. I was lucky to have a table here for dinner on weekend, and I just booked one day before!
天氣熱了想吃冰涼的點心,某天神來一筆拿黑糖做布丁,成果不錯耶,吃得到黑糖的糖香又壓得住蛋味,而且要備齊材料太容易了。 Making pudding with black sugar flashed through into my mind when getting hotter, and I tried. I happily find it tastes good as black sugar is able to cover the egg smell. In addition, you can easily prepare all ingredients.